Freezing Away Stubborn Belly Fat

Freezing Away Stubborn Belly Fat

As we age, we begin to notice that extra little love on our belly, making it damn near impossible to wear those jeans we love so much without having the infamous ‘muffin top’. Belly fat can be some of the most stubborn fat to get rid of due to multiple reasons such as...
Does DIY Fat Freezing Actually Work?

Does DIY Fat Freezing Actually Work?

Anyone who has thought about trying at home fat freezing, has all wondered the same thing; why can’t I just uses ice packs to get rid of my fat? What’s the difference between DIY fat freezing and At-Home Fat Freezing kits? I know it might seem doable, especially in...
Clinical Fat Freezing vs. Fat Freezing

Clinical Fat Freezing vs. Fat Freezing

Losing fat was once only doable with traditional methods like exercise and diet, but with the technological revolution, new tech has made it possible for people who have a difficult time losing those pounds the traditional way, to lose the weight and actually keep it...
How to Achieve that Perfect Summer Body

How to Achieve that Perfect Summer Body

Summer is here which means bathing suits, shorts and tank tops, and lots of time in the sun. For some of us though, the thought of summer sends us into a panicked state thinking about those problem areas we didn’t get rid of during the winter months. No one wants to...
Fat Freezing vs. Weight Loss

Fat Freezing vs. Weight Loss

When one thinks of fat freezing, they might think it’s the same as weight loss. But the two are very different from one another. Losing weight doesn’t always equate to a sculpted body, and it can take a while to see the tone and shape you want to achieve. Fat freezing...