How TechniIce Works

TechniIce and Blue are working together to bring you greater results!

TecniIce Gets Colder For Longer

TechniIce doesn’t use water or gels to stay cold. It uses refrigerant polymers to get and stay cold for longer periods of time.

While TechniIce is able to get as cold as dry ice, you will be freezing at a much safer temperature. Our original cold packs stayed cold for about 2 hours and took around 12 hours to refreeze. TechniIce stays cold for over 4 hours and takes much less time to refreeze, allowing you to use your system more often!

What to Expect

TechniIce packs sent through Blue will have instruction on the pack on how to properly use. Below is the exact intructions on how to use:

TechniIce reusable dry ice packs / gel packs start as a flat sheet and absorbs water through a special perforation technology in the surface of the product. This is achieved by scrunching the sheets between your hands whilst immersed in warm water for a few minutes until the air bubbles have escaped. The hydration process will now begin and the cells will swell ready for the products to be used both cold or hot.

The water enters through the surface and activates the polymer, which then swells the sheet into 8 individually sealed cells Which enables the product to be flexible when frozen and cut to size