So you’re beginning your weight loss journey, but you’re feeling discouraged because your office job doesn’t leave you a lot of time during the day to get moving. It’s natural to feel this way! Don’t let this discourage you from continuing with your new healthy lifestyle.

Fitting Workouts In After Work

Despite spending most of your day sitting at a desk, you don’t have to continue the same practice once you get home! It can be tempting to come home and relax on your couch and unwind. But what your body really needs is to move! To eliminate this temptation, bring your gym clothes with you to work, so you have no excuse to not go to the gym right after work. Once you’ve worked out, then you can go home and relax. But don’t skip the workout! You’ll regret it.

Even if you don’t attend a gym, you can still fit in a workout after work. You can do an at-home workout, go on a jog, or do a quick yoga class. The most important thing is that you’re moving and sweating.

Move Throughout The Work Day

Just because you have a vigorous workout planned at the end of your work day, doesn’t mean that you should use that as an excuse to sit all day. It can be discouraging when you work at a desk all day. But there are ways that you can fit exercise into your work day:

-Go on a walk on your lunch break. This gives you a chance to stretch your legs, and burn a few extra calories.

-Take regular bathroom breaks. This forces you to get out of your chair multiple times a day, and keep your muscles active. Extra points if you do a few squats or lunges every time you get up to use the bathroom.

-Swap your chair for a yoga ball. This will not only keep you active, but improves your posture and strengthens your core.

Stay Hydrated

One of the keys to weightloss is drinking an adequate amount of water. It will keep you fuller longer, so you won’t be as tempted to snack throughout your work day. It will also encourage those frequent bathroom breaks to stretch your legs. If you get bored of plain water throughout the day, try adding in a few cups of lightly sweetened herbal or green tea.

Just because you have a job that requires you to sit most of the day, doesn’t mean you have to let that enable an unhealthy lifestyle. There are plenty of ways for you to stay active!

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