Losing fat was once only doable with traditional methods like exercise and diet, but with the technological revolution, new tech has made it possible for people who have a difficult time losing those pounds the traditional way, to lose the weight and actually keep it off. One such method is fat freezing. Backed by science and medical experts, fat freezing has become a sensation in recent years, allowing you to get rid of those problem areas once and for all. What was once only done in clinics, has now been brought home to you. But which one is better? Clinical fat freezing and at-home fat freezing can be quite different, and below we’ll tell you why.

Clinical Fat Freezing

Clinical fat freezing is an in clinic procedure done by professionals. While undergoing the treatment, a cooling gel is applied to the treatment area, and then the applicator is placed there where a slight sucking sensation happens. While the procedure takes place, you’ll feel sensations like pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping throughout the treatment site, however, these sensations subside as the area becomes numb.

To undergo fat cell death, the optimum temperature must stay just above freezing, which is about 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperature are below this, it can causes damage to your skin as well as other tissues and nerves.

Although there are minimum risks, there is a risk of Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH), and skin ulcerations. PAH causes a gradual enlargement of the treated body area. What happens is that when the applicator comes into contact with fat cells, instead of damaging and killing the target fat cells, it instead stimulates a process that thickens and expands them. This makes it nearly impossible for the body to break down and eliminate the fat from the body. Although this is not life threatening, and has a small chance of happening, it negates the purpose of having the procedure done at all and can be nearly impossible to fix.

While clinical fat freezing prices differ, especially depending on what area you decide to treat, the prices normally range anywhere from $1000 to $4000 per treatment. This also depends on where you live, your provider, as well as any other follow up appointments you need. Because fat freezing is purely cosmetic, your insurance provider will not cover any of the cost. Most clinics will also recommend having multiple treatments, so it can become quite costly.

Clinical fat freezing reduces the fat layer by as much as 25 percent, and most see their full results of fat loss within three months.

At-Home Fat Freezing

At-home fat freezing is a bit different compared to clinical fat freezing. For one, this is something that is done in the comfort of your own home. Blue’s fat freezing system is designed specifically to be convenient and simple, and they’ve spent several years developing, testing, and improving their dual targeting technology, providing a perfect controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat. Within the kit comes with the dual targeting cold packs, as well as comfortable wraps. All you do is place the cold packs in the freezer overnight, then slip them into the wrap, and wear the wrap around you target area for an hour a day.

Their kits are specifically designed to target and kill fat cells by holding in controlled performance temperatures, never reaching below freezing, for approximately an hour, and while wearing for more than an hour won’t have any adverse effects, they work their best at just an hour.

At-home fat freezing kits are actually quite affordable compared to clinical fat freezing. The price range is between $200 to $500, depending on what your target area is and what system you choose to get.

Obviously results vary between person to person, but most people who use at home fat freezing kits see results within 3 to 10 weeks when using the system daily, and the kits have little to no side effects.

At-home fat freezing kits reduce the fat layer up to 25 percent, if not more, allowing those that use the system to see inches taken off within a couple months.

So when it comes to deciding which is the bests option for you, the fact that at-home fat freezing kits are not only extremely affordable compared to clinical fat freezing, but are easy to use, give amazing results, and have no side effects, it seems like a pretty easy choice!

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