Real People. Real Stories. Real Success.

People are transforming their bodies and lives every day with the help of the blue fat freeze system.
Here are some of our favorite stories from real people, just like you!

Real People. Real Stories. Real Success.

People are transforming their bodies and lives every day with the help of the blue fat freeze system.





Week 1

Week 9

Mike, from Utah*

Mike used the blue system in an attempt to lose stomach fat he’d gained over the last few years. He used blue for 9 weeks and lost 3 1/2 inches in his waist.* We reached out to him and he was happy to have his success video on our website. He also asked us to share his original link of him starting to use blue. You can see that original video here:

Mike, from Utah*

Mike used the blue system in an attempt to lose stomach fat he’d gained over the last few years. He used blue for 9 weeks and lost 3 1/2 inches in his waist.* We reached out to him and he was happy to have his success video on our website. He also asked us to share his original link of him starting to use blue. You can see that original video here:

blue fat freeze system review image - jenny larsen

Jenny Larsen – Certified Personal Trainer, from Salt Lake City, Utah*

You know how awful dressing room lights are? You work out hard, eat clean, stay as hydrated as possible and yet when you get under those dressing room lights you see the dimples on your backside! That was my motivation for trying Blue Fat Freeze system and I couldn’t be happier with my results!

Debbie Sipes *

I love my blue fat freeze system! I was meeting my two sisters and brother in laws for a semi-family vacation so I started using my system right when it arrived. By the time our gathering happened about 10 weeks from when I started I could tell my stomach was tighter and my love handles seemed to have shrunk.


Danielle S – From Montana*

I have really enjoyed using my blue fat freeze system each day for the last few months and even had to order another blue system as my husband kept stealing it from the freezer so i couldn’t use it! I’ve seen a definite reduction in inches in my belly & sides.

Katie Appenheimer*

My order arrived pretty quickly and with hopeful doubt, I used the tape measure to document my thighs (24.5 inches). I used the blue system almost every weekday (on days my boyfriend wouldn’t see it, so I didn’t have to explain what I assumed would be a failure).

I am pregnant and didn’t know if the system would have negative effects on my little one so I ignored the abs for now, besides, it was my thighs that had become the bane of my existence, the inner in particular. I began using my system March 3rd and I waited until the end of April to measure my progress. 23.5 inches! In almost 2 months I had lost an inch in my thighs! I couldn’t believe it was possible.

weight loss progress blue fat freezingside view progress from blue fat freezing

Danielle, from California*

At first I was hesitant to try the blue but realized I had nothing left to lose. I’ve tried working out and eating healthy but I struggle with emotional eating. I used blue for 8 weeks and lost a couple inches off my waist and thighs and I’m SO glad I did. I still need to work on my eating habits but blue really gave me the head start I needed on this.

MaryAnn, from Colorado*

I’ve used my system for 3 months and both my daughter and myself have seen great results! Thanks so much blue for the gift of weight loss you’ve given to our family.

fat freezing testimonial

Liz N. from Kauai*

I was so excited when I discovered there was an alternative to spending thousands of dollars. I was even more excited to find out I could perform it painlessly from my own home! I’ve already seen results after a couple of months and am recommending it to everyone I know!



Tom F.*

Tom used the blue system to lose excess fat around his stomach area and had great success. We reached out to him and he was happy to have his success video on our website.

Start your own success story today

The blue Fat Freeze System is the easiest and most convenient way to shed fat from those stubborn and hard to shape areas. That is why it’s the most popular and effective fat freezing method on the market to date.

Change your life now by joining the countless others from around the world who have already saved thousands by going the blue way.

Start your own success story today

The blue Fat Freeze System is the easiest and most convenient way to shed fat from those stubborn and hard to shape areas. That is why it’s the most popular and effective fat freezing method on the market to date.

Change your life now by joining the countless others from around the world who have already saved thousands by going the blue way.

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