Everyone hates that stubborn belly fat that seems to never go away, no matter how hard we try. It just loves to stay in place, causing our self esteem to sink deeper and deeper the longer it decides to stick around.

You’ve hidden those great clothes that don’t fit anymore, and you find yourself declining activities for fear of others judging you. Diets and exercise might not work, and you might feel like it’s a lost cause at this point.

However, there are some things you can do to get rid of that unwanted belly fat, allowing you to fit into those clothes that have been hiding in the back of your closet, and allowing you to say yes to the activities you’ve been wanting to participate in.

Build your confidence with the following ways below to stop that belly fat from sticking around.

Four Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

Drinking More Green Tea:

Amazingly, green tea is a great fat burner. Studies have found that drinking one and a half cups of green tea with a total of 609 mg of catechins, every day, for 12 weeks lost almost 16 times more visceral fat than teas without the added antioxidants.

Catechins are a group of antioxidants that help in the achievement of burning fat cells. It is also a great disease-fighting flavonoid that greatly improves your health and prevents cell damage.

Avoid Sugar and Sugar-filled Drinks:

Sugar is, obviously, very unhealthy. It has a harmful effect on metabolic health, and as sugar is half glucose and half fructose, the fructose can only be metabolized by the liver in significant amounts. When eating loads of added sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose and is then forced to turn it into fat. This leads to the accumulation of fat in the belly and liver, causing that unwanted belly fat to stick around longer than wanted.

Avoiding sugary foods and drinks can significantly help in destroying that unwanted belly fat once and for all. However, this does not pertain to the sugar in fruits, so if you’re craving something sweet, try reaching for an apple or whatever your favorite fruit is to get that sweet snack you’re craving.

Aerobic Exercises:

If exercise hasn’t been working for you, it might be because you’re doing the wrong exercises. Most believe that to get rid of that stubborn belly fat, you must work out the core. However, this is not the case. Abdominal exercises are great for gaining muscle, but not for getting rid of fat.

Spot reduction, or losing fat in a specific spot, isn’t possible, so no matter how many crunches or ab exercises you do will not help. Aerobic exercises will however. Walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc. has major effects on the reduction of belly fat. This is because aerobic activity requires fat to be used as a primary fuel source.

If you can go for a small walk or run in the morning, you’ll be able to see great results. Swimming is also extremely great at losing weight, and because you’re already wet, you won’t notice the sweat!

At-Home Fat Freezing Kits:

If you want the traditional methods aren’t working for you in getting rid of your stubborn belly fat, you can try the amazing and revolutionary technology of at-home fat freezing kits. They aren’t only FDA approved, but backed by science and medical professionals.

They work by freezing your fat cells, causing the fat to undergo cell death. This process is known as apoptosis, which is the release of inflammatory molecules around the treatment area. The body naturally processes the dead cells, transports them through the lymphatic system, and eliminates them. Because fat tissue is more vulnerable in cold temperatures, other tissue surrounding the area such as skin, nerves, vessels, and muscles are not damaged or harmed in the process, only the fat tissue.

These at-home kits are also extremely to use. Kits such as blue At-Home Fat Freezing Kits just need to be placed in the freezer over night, then worn for an hour a day for 10 weeks, and boom, that stubborn belly fat is gone. It’s that simple. They work best with exercise, but can be worn while doing laundry, watching tv, making dinner, etc.

Fat freezing also has little to no side effects. You might feel numbness or slight bruising around the area the wrap is worn, but they disappear shortly after the wrap is removed. So if that unwanted belly fat isn’t going away with traditional ways, definitely give these awesome kits a try.

Stubborn belly fat, or any stubborn fat, can be detrimental to not only our physical health, but our mental health as well. Especially when our methods don’t seem to be working. And although our physical health is important, it is equally important, if not more, to maintain our mental health.

That stubborn fat can seriously harm our mental state of being, causing depression and a great lack of self-esteem, that can ultimately harm our day to day experiences.

If you want to rid yourself of not only the fat, but that self doubt caused by your belly, give these four methods a try. They will not only make you look great on the outside, but will make you feel great on the inside.

Good luck!

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