Oh the joys of problem areas. You know, those areas that seem to never go away with simple exercise or diets. Whether it be belly fat, arm or leg fat, or other areas of your body, they’re unwanted. But where it was once hard to get rid of that excess fat without invasive surgery or extreme diet and exercise, it can now be done in the comfort of your own home in a simple way! Fat freezing isn’t a new concept, but has made exceptional growth in recent years, approved by medical professionals as a great and effective way for losing stubborn fat.

What is Fat Freezing?

Fat freezing is a non invasive, FDA approved, non surgical treatment to rid the body of fat in areas we aren’t happy with. If you’re looking for a one stop shop for fat removal, unfortunately fat freezing isn’t for you, but if you are looking for mild improvements in your problem areas, such as stomach, legs, and arms, then fat freezing is perfect for you. Due to the fact that this is a noninvasive procedure, the dual targeting technology can only treat tissue it can access, so one must consider their age, skin quality, and how thick or “pinchable” their tissue is before undergoing fat freezing.

A basic comprehension of the science that is fat freezing, is that is works by destroying fat cells with controlled freezing temperatures while also reducing damage to the surrounding skin, nerves, vessels, and muscles. This is a huge difference compared to invasive surgery’s such as liposuction, where not only are the fat cells destroyed, but there’s also a considerable amount of damage to the skin, nerves, and muscles, which is why there’s down time after this surgery and none after fat freezing. Fat tissue is more vulnerable in cold temperatures than other tissues, which is why these cells are destroyed while the others are not.

When fat cells are exposed to cold temperatures, they undergo a process called apoptosis, or fat cell death. This is the release of inflammatory molecules around the treatment area. Over the course of a few weeks to a couple months, our incredible body naturally processes the dead cells, transports them through the lymphatic system, and eliminates them. It’s freezing away to a slimmer you, if you will.

The best part of fat freezing, is that the technology has been brought to you at home. No more traveling to a clinic for an hour or two and taking precious time from your day. Products like Blue at home fat freezing kits are not only easy to use, but do an amazing job. All you do is place their signature cold packs in the freezer for 24 hours, and then simply slide the cold packs into the compression belt and put it on. You do this an hour a day for ten weeks, where you can do pretty much anything you want while wearing them. You can watch tv, get work done on the computer, do laundry, etc. It can’t get much easier than that.

No more snake oil products, it actually works! Over 80% of Blue users see results that vary between 2-4” after the treatment. And rather than having to sit in a doctors office and pay an arm and leg for the procedure, you do it in the comfort of your home for a fraction of the cost.

The reason Blue is an effective product, is because there’s a team behind it that develops, tests, and improves their products to deliver you a perfect controlled cooling technology to freeze your fat. It isn’t just an ice pack on your problem area, it’s a scientific based technology designed specifically to eliminate fat with minimal damage.

There’s also no discomfort and hardly any side effects when using these products. Some report there’s redness, numbness, a tingling sensation, or some slight swelling/bruising, but they tend to go away once the pack is removed and rarely stay for more than a day.

Sounds too good to be true, I know, but with minimal side effects, great costs, and being able to do this in the comfort of your home, what’s there to lose?

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